Filter: represents a filter and its configuration. A filter is identified by an internal name. The configuration for each filter is defined as an InfoObject: a map of name and value pairs.
Currently available filters are:
'autocontrast', 'blur', 'bottom edge detections', 'brightnesscontrast', 'burn', 'colorbalance', 'colortoalpha', 'colortransfer', 'desaturate', 'dodge', 'emboss', 'emboss all directions', 'emboss horizontal and vertical', 'emboss horizontal only', 'emboss laplascian', 'emboss vertical only', 'gaussian blur', 'gaussiannoisereducer', 'gradientmap', 'halftone', 'hsvadjustment', 'indexcolors', 'invert', 'left edge detections', 'lens blur', 'levels', 'maximize', 'mean removal', 'minimize', 'motion blur', 'noise', 'normalize', 'oilpaint', 'perchannel', 'phongbumpmap', 'pixelize', 'posterize', 'raindrops', 'randompick', 'right edge detections', 'roundcorners', 'sharpen', 'smalltiles', 'sobel', 'threshold', 'top edge detections', 'unsharp', 'wave', 'waveletnoisereducer']
Member documentation
Apply the filter to the given node.
node | the node to apply the filter to |
x | (no description provided) |
y | (no description provided) |
w | (no description provided) |
h | describe the rectangle the filter should be apply. This is always in image pixel coordinates and not relative to the x, y of the node. |
true if the filter was applied successfully, or false if the filter could not be applied because the node is locked or does not have an editable paint device. |
set the configuration object for the filter
value | (no description provided) |
set the filter's name to the given name.
name | (no description provided) |
starts the given filter on the given node.
node | the node to apply the filter to |
x | (no description provided) |
y | (no description provided) |
w | (no description provided) |
h | describe the rectangle the filter should be apply. This is always in image pixel coordinates and not relative to the x, y of the node. |
(no description provided) |