Class InfoObject
Build from InfoObject.h
Krita 4.0.0

InfoObject wrap a properties map. These maps can be used to set the configuration for filters.


properties()dict[str: QVariant] property(key: str)QVariant setProperties(propertyMap: dict[str: QVariant]) setProperty(key: str, value: QVariant)

Member documentation

properties()dict[str: QVariant]
Krita 4.0.0

Return all properties this InfoObject manages.


(no description provided)

property(key: str)QVariant
Krita 4.0.0Krita 4.0.1

return the value for the property identified by key, or None if there is no such key.


key(no description provided)


(no description provided)

setProperties(propertyMap: dict[str: QVariant])
Krita 4.0.0Krita 4.2.0

Add all properties in the propertyMap to this InfoObject


propertyMap(no description provided)
setProperty(key: str, value: QVariant)
Krita 4.0.0Krita 4.3.0

set the property identified by key to value

If you want create a property that represents a color, you can use a QColor or hex string, as defined in


key(no description provided)
value(no description provided)