A wrapper around KisDoubleParseSpinBox, which is a cleverer doubleSpinBox, able to parse arithmetic expressions. The widget itself is accessed with the widget() function.
Use this spinbox instead of the basic one from Qt if you want it to be able to parse arithmetic expressions.
Re-implemented methods
Member documentation
signal emitted when the last parsed expression is not valid.
expr | (no description provided) |
Get if the last expression entered is a valid one
true if the last expression entered is valid |
signal emitted when the last parsed expression is valid and the expression before was not valid.
Set the value of the spinbox
This reimplementation also tries to clear the current expression and warning message whenever possible. This will happen when the new value is different from the current one and the line edit has not the focus or it is read-only. One can force the reset also by passing true to the overwriteExpression parameter.
value | The new value |
overwriteExpression | Get if the expression in the edit field (and the warning message) should be reset to reflect the new value. The default is false so that if the user is editing the expression it won't be disrupted by any default call to this function |
This is a reimplementation of QDoubleSpinBox::stepBy that uses setValue()
steps | Number of steps that the value should change |
This virtual function is similar to cleanText(). But child classes may reimplement it to further process ("clean up") the expression.
The processed expression |
Get the internal KisDoubleParseSpinBox as a QWidget, so it may be added to a UI
the internal KisDoubleParseSpinBox as a QWidget |